বুধবার, ৩০ নভেম্বর, ২০১১


Source: Islam and Dajjal

AS I HAVE stated earlier in this book, many 'Sahih' or 'correct' Hadith have been omitted from the exclusive category due to their lack of unbroken 'esnad' or 'reporting'. The same holds true in the case of the Dajjal, where many true Hadith s have been similarly lost, yet one can tell by reading them- that they are genuine ones for they not only are collaborative with the documented and agreed ones, they complement and supplement them as well. One such is, -the Dajjal's mount will have one foot in the east and the other in the west. A few others are presented in the following.

One such important Hadith has been derived from Muhammad Assad's, "The Road To Mecca", the book where he first put forward the idea of the western civilization as being the Dajjal. All the Hadith s included therein can be traced back to the Messenger of Allah, except this one- “the Dajjal will have the power to hear and see what is happening on the other side of the earth.”

There does not seem any further need to clarify what this Hadith refers to since it is only too obvious that it is indicated towards the mass electronic media, namely radio and television; and also the fact that these are both inventions of the western civilization. Muhammad Assad reports discussing this with Sheikh Ibn Bulaydid, who was one of the foremost Islamic authorities in Makkah and advisor to King Ibn Saud on religious affairs. Judging from the fact that rather than commenting on the authenticity of this Hadith, the Sheikh seemed to be of the same opinion, we can assume this to be a Sahih Hadith on this topic.

Apart from that, this Hadith also serves another important purpose. For all those people who hold the notion of an animal Dajjal, only it, namely the Dajjal should be able to see and hear what happens on the other side of the world. Whereas, in today's world no single person or entity alone has access to means of mass communication, in the developed, developing and underdeveloped regions, television and radio are essential means of communication and entertainment. Therefore, the Dajjal is not a single unit, it is the sum total of all the ungodly systems prevailing in the world and those who adhere unflinchingly to it.

There is another highly significant Hadith to this effect; however, the 'sanad' of this one too, could not be collected. I heard it a long time back, but since I was not much interested in the topic of the Dajjal at that time, I neglected to collect the source of this particular Hadith . The Messenger of Allah is said to have said, the Dajjal's movement will be so fast, that it will be able to travel around the earth within the time it takes to complete the Jumma prayers. It is interesting to note that, the satellites sent into orbit around the earth travel at the speed of 18,000 miles per hour, taking between 90 and 95 minutes to once rotate around the world. The speed of these satellites are limited within 18,000 and 24,000 miles since if they have a velocity of less than 18,000 miles, they will not be able to resist the earth's gravitational pull and come crashing back to the surface, while on the other hand a velocity of more than 24,000 miles will enable them to break free of the pull of the gravity of the earth and fly off into space. For this reason, the speed of 24,000 miles is known as the Escape Velocity, since if that speed is reached satellites and space shuttles can resist the Earth's gravity and be space-bound. Therefore, the speed of about 18,000 miles is fixed for satellites to remain in orbit around the earth.

During the Messenger of Allah's time, when the clock had not been invented, any reference to time had to be done so in comparison to the time it took to accomplish any particular action. Similarly, to denote the deftness of the Dajjal, the Messenger of Allah used the excellent example of the Jumma congregation, which in his presence took roughly the same amount of time since it entailed getting ready for the mosque, putting on one's best clothes, arriving at the Mosque, listening to the 'khutba' or weekly sermon, then the prayers, finally a few words with friends and relatives before heading home. Some might disagree with this description, since it no longer takes that much time for the Jumma congregation today. That also is true. It takes probably a quarter of that time now for the socalled, opposite directed Muslims to say their prayers, since they can scarcely take the time to listen to the Imam's 'khutba' or spend any more time than necessary at the mosque. However, during the Messenger of Allah's period, the mosque was the centre of all activities and his 'Ummah' spent far more time there anyone does so today.

Critical analysis of the Hadith of the Last Messenger leaves no doubt that the giant, named Dajjal is no visible or physical animal, it was described allegorically in great detail as a huge giant to help people of so many centuries ago understand the concept of this entity. However, for the sake of argument, let us say that the Dajjal will indeed appear as a huge one-eyed physical giant astride a gigantic horse, the distance between its horse's eyes would be seventy, e.g. thousands of feet; if indeed such an animal were to appear would not one and every person on this planet accept this very creature as the one prophesized by the last Messenger of Allah? The first thought at the sight of an animal almost the size of this world, would be - where did this thing come from! And on seeing it, Muslims, and non-Muslims alike would recognize it as the Dajjal described by the Messenger of Islam. All then would become believers in Islam and our Messenger of Allah.

Secondly, the Messenger of Allah has said, "The Dajjal will appear from within the Jewish nation and seventy thousand of his people, his Ummah will be its followers. If the Dajjal were indeed a gigantic animal, how is it to appear from a within a human nation? And how come Muslims are to leave the following of Allah and obey the Dajjal instead of Him?

Thirdly, the Messenger of Allah has said, the word 'Kafer' will be written between the eyes of the Dajjal. Only Mo'mens, believers (literate and illiterate both) will see and read it; those who are not Mo'mens (both literate and illiterate), will not be able to read it. That is to say, some people, namely Mo'mens, believers will be able to realize that the Dajjal is 'Kafer' and some people who are not Mo'mens, will not realize it and accept the Dajjal as their Rub. If the Dajjal were a physical tangible animal, it is logical that people would recognize it for what it is at first sight. Would there be any confusion or difference of opinion regarding it being a Kafer (unbeliever) or not? Let us suppose a tiger is let loose in a crowded area - imagine the chaos it would create. Everyone, man, woman, child, all would be running for their lives. If an animal of that gigantic proportions, with one foot of its mount in the east and the other in the west appears among people of this earth, some will recognize it, some won't, some will become its followers, others won't, some people will read the etching on its forehead, others won't : how feasible if that?

For the sake of argument, let us suppose that a gigantic animal should indeed appear in the horizon and claim that the entire mankind accepts it as their Rub (sustainer and master). Is it acceptable that let alone the whole world, the one superpower that is dominant throughout the world today, the self proclaimed protector of liberty and freedom, the United States of America will meekly submit to its claim? The United States would surely try to blow the world using its nuclear bombs. However, there is no document of the Messenger of Allah prophesying any such conflict between the Dajjal and the inhabitant of this world, on the contrary it is recorded that the Dajjal will occupy the world in such a manner that even a piece of land or water will not remain outside its control.

This proves that all these description of a giant are not those of a physical, tangible animal: they are allegorical references to a mighty force; at the same time, it is also proved beyond any doubt that this mighty giant we speak of it is the present day Judeo-Christian materialistic technological civilization- manifest in all its strength and power before our very eyes.

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